OnCampus Connect

The College Survival Toolkit

Time Management skills are especially important for all college students! With so many new activities to get involved in, how can you do it all while getting your homework done and making an A on that test you’ve been worrying about? Unfortunately, the short answer is that you can’t do everything… but you can do much more than you probably imagine if you manage your time efficiently!

Having a daily schedule and routine is a sure way to be successful during your college years and beyond! When’s is the last time you thought about your schedule? Was it just to wake up, get to class, eat food, and sleep? While you may be doing some of the ‘essentials’, you are missing out on so much more! Here are a few ways to develop the successful routine and build that schedule that will lay the foundation for your domination!

  • Make a weekly schedule with class/studying time, activities, work, meals, laundry, cleaning, and goals that will be your guide for success.
  • You have multiple options to record your schedule:
    • Mobile device Calendar
    • Mobile App
    • Computer
    • Email
    • Paperback Daily Planner
  • It’s okay if you don’t complete every goal for the week. Just do what you can and always adjust as needed.

This may very well be the most important aspect of college life. You got here by making the grades, so why stop now? Well, how do you start when there are a thousand different things going on?

Try to get 2 hours of study time for each hour of class. Wait! That’s 2 x 3 x 5? So, you mean I must study for around 30 hours a week? Don’t get ahead of yourself! Break your study time down into increments that you can handle, such as 30 minutes here and there. Any time you look at material gone over in class is always a success. Try blocking off time during the day when there is nothing else to distract you. Find environments around campus, in your dorm, or apartment that are ideal for you to get some work done. This way you always know where you can slip in a quick 30 minutes study session no matter where you are! Next thing you know it’s been 30 hours in a week and your GPA is a 4.0!

  • Strive for 2 hours of study time per hour of class time
  • Find places everywhere you go that could be used as a place to study
  • Try to get studying done before big events that will drain your energy
  • Use resources on campus to help with your studying (e.g., library, labs, student academic services, study groups)
  • Figure out your learning style and study to cater to your needs
  • Take a break after studying for an hour or two of studying
  • Stay organized to make it less difficult to start studying
  • After your hard work all week studying, reward yourself with a night out or a fun filled weekend! You deserve it!

What is one of the main things you think about when applying to college? You may be very well thinking about all the activities that you are going to get into… but wait, how can you do all these activities and make all A’s at the same time? That’s where having a solid schedule and routine can help!

College may very well be one of the last big opportunities to socialize with a vast diversity of people. Take advantage of it and seek out clubs, volunteer groups, athletics, and other interest groups that fit your interests and hobbies. Of course, don’t forget about your family either. Plan days to see your family or participate in activities ahead of time so you can get all your schoolwork done and be prepared to have the time of your life! That goes for any and all activities in life… period!

  • Take advantage of student organizations, volunteer groups, campus resources, athletic groups, and other interest groups
  • Stay in touch with your family
  • Try to plan your activities ahead of time so you can be prepared!
  • As always, reward yourself after a hard week with a fun activity on the weekend!

We all know college is expensive, but so is Chick-fil-A! If you need extra money to fit your needs, work is an excellent option if you can schedule it to fit your routine!

Even while working, school should always be your top priority! Keep your schedule well organized to avoid a disaster because it can happen! Always make sure your employer knows that school is your main priority, too. Who knows, you might get some homework done while getting paid at work and finals week off too!

  • School is always #1 and make sure your employer knows this!
  • Keep an organized schedule
  • Try to work on campus with a work-study
  • Ask for time off for finals week
  • Don’t work too often, give yourself time for fun activities!
  • Reward yourself!

Does it seem like eating is getting in the way of handling all the activities going on in college? Maybe you skip meals in order to finish the paper you’ve been worried about all week. Maybe you rush through the paper so you can have more time to eat food and take care of yourself. Either way, having a solid routine for meals can be a solution to each of these problems!

Life is all about balance. Make sure that you are eating 3 meals everyday along with snacks as needed. It’s even better if those meals include any kind of fresh fruit and/or vegetables! Fresh foods can help if you’re always feeling weighed down halfway through the day. Preparing your food ahead of time can make a huge difference, too! Eating well can be just as easy as going through the drive-thru at the local Whataburger! It’s all about that schedule and routine!

  • Strive to eat 3 meals a day with snacks as needed
  • It’s ideal to eat 5 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables a day (more the variety, the better)
  • Aim for ¼ carbohydrates (e.g., rice, pasta, potatoes, oats, cereal), ¼ protein (e.g., eggs, meat, milk, yogurt, cheese, nuts) and ½ vegetables (fruits, plants, seeds, herbs)
  • Keep a detailed shopping list throughout the week
  • Meal prep on the weekend or whenever you have the freest time
  • Consider using a slow cooker
  • Make sure to schedule time and routine for meal preparation and mealtimes
  • Reward yourself! Treat yourself to that nice restaurant after a successful week!

What? I have to start washing my own clothes!?! I don’t understand! Doing your laundry is a new endeavor for many college students, but don’t worry, we got you covered!

Washing dark colors with whites can be a traumatic experience and result in wearing pink socks for the rest of the semester! Always wash your whites, colors (lights and darks separate), and towels separately! Wash your colors with cold water to help keep them from fading and whites and towels with hot water. Check the tags on your clothes for delicate washing instructions as needed. When drying, use high heat for heavy fabrics and low heat for delicates, and fold your clothes as soon as possible to prevent wrinkles. It may be easiest to do this on the same day of the week if possible when you have the freest time, such as when you are meal prepping or cleaning house!

  • Always check your pockets before washing!
  • Wash your sheets weekly!
  • Separate all of your darks, colors, and towels.
  • Wash all colors with cold water while washing whites and towels with warm water.
  • Always check the tag for wash settings, such as delicate.
  • Fold or hange your clothes ASAP to prevent wrinkles!
  • Use high heat on the dryer for heavy fabrics, low heat for delicate linen, and everything in-between on medium heat!
  • Make a weekly schedule of when you will do your laundry.

It seems like everything is always piling up in college! Not only is there all kinds of homework to do, but there are dishes stacking high in the sink and crumbs from last week’s pizza still on the floor! How can I handle going to class, doing homework, hanging out with friends, and cleaning up?!?! That’s where time management comes into play!

If you’re like me, the last time you made your bed is when your mom did it! One of the easiest things to get kick start your cleaning career is just that, making your bed in the morning. Washing your dishes and organizing your common areas is also a great way to get in the habit. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can even give everything a good dusting… because we aren’t any old dusty college student! Whatever you do, try to make it a routine and split up your cleaning into separate days. It’s way easier to do a little cleaning everyday instead of cleaning everything for a whole day! This is where time management comes in handy!

  • Make your bed daily.
  • Use a laundry hamper to store your dirty clothes. Try keeping whites, colors, and towels separated to save time when washing!
  • Wash your dishes when you use them. It’s easier to wash a few things at a time rather than having a sink full of dishes to do at once.
  • Bathroom: Clean every surface in the bathroom once a week!
  • Organize your common areas. This can not only help reduce your stress but also make doing your homework easier!
  • Regularly dust flat surfaces around your living area with a paper towel or any other wipes.
  • Vacuum and sweep regularly! Don’t forget to mop afterwards!
  • Create a schedule with all the cleaning duties needed to be done on a weekly basis. Label what you plan to do on what day of the week. You can also get your roommates involved and create a cleaning contract! If they don’t clean beers on them this weekend!
  • Use air fresheners, like plugins.
  • Straighten up things that get left out throughout the day. You may never be late for class again!
  • Use Windex to clean all glass surfaces weekly or as needed!
  • Try cleaning on room a day or one type of item (e.g., wood, glass, floors) a day to make things a little more doable.

What!?!?! You mean there is a bedtime while in college? I thought I finally moved out of my parent’s house to finally stay up all night long… We aren’t saying that there’s a specific bedtime, such as 9pm when you were just getting tucked into bed! It is important, though, to manage how much sleep you are getting wisely. You can still go to that party that’s poppin’ all while getting enough sleep to kill it all week! This can make a difference when it comes down to getting burned out or making all A’s! It’s all about time management!

If you’re anything like us, then the only time you have scheduled to sleep is in between classes while you’re stuck on campus.. Chick fil’ A nap time! This may be convenient at times, but it’s best to keep your schedule around your natural rhythm. Plan on getting 7 – 9 hours of sleep at night if you can! If you do take a nap, keep it before 4pm and less than 30 minutes! Make sure you account for any sleep lost over the weekend by keeping structure throughout the week. If your alarm clock is your worst enemy, walk outside when you first wake up and move around, take a shower, just do anything except roll over. It isn’t that bad when you don’t think about it and just do it!

  • Plan a routine that is around your natural rhythm. Take earlier classes if you’re more alert in the morning so you can relax at night!
  • Avoid naps! If you do take a nap, make sure it’s before 4pm and after being awake for 3 hours already. Keep it under half an hour, too!
  • Don’t drink too much caffeine staying up studying all night! Always keep your responsibilities in mind throughout the week so you can eventually sleep… on time!
  • Keep a structed schedule that you use to sleep. Maybe you wake up early during the week and late on the weekend. The more repetitive your sleeping schedule is the better.
  • Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every night! Try your best to not miss too many days of full sleep!
  • Relax for an hour before you go to bed. Turn your phone on silent, turn off the lights, set your alarm, kick back, and reflect on your time management skills... or just be glad that you made it to class today!
  • Get up and move around when you first wake up! Walk outside and get some natural sunlight, open the blinds, take a shower, or whatever works… just wake up!
  • Schedule activities in the morning that can help you fully wake up. Go exercise or walk around for 30 minutes. This can help propel your day, too!

Have you ever wondered how much time you spend walk from class to Raising Cane’s and back every day? If you’re like us, the only time you think about how long it takes to class is when your running up the road with your shoes untied. Start adding up all the time you spend walking around campus and be ready to be amazed at how your time management skills start adding up too!

Sometimes it’s the small things that make up something big! Start writing down how long it takes you to get to and from class and add all these numbers up at the end of the day. Do this for a week straight and you will have a good idea of just how much time your spending to go where. Why is this useful you say? Well, the next time your running in the middle of the street and step in a puddle of water up to your ankles you will understand.

  • Write down how long it takes you to get around campus to and from class along with any other activities.
  • Make sure to label what activity goes with what time.
  • Add up the time at the end of the day and repeat for a week. You will have a good idea of how long things are taking you by then!
  • Start accounting for these times in your daily schedule.
  • Always consider any unseen circumstances, such as getting stuck by the train that never fails to make you run late!
  • Don’t forget to reward yourself for arriving to class early because of your excellent time tracking skills. Get yourself that caramel frappe and go to class like a boss!

So your saying all this time management stuff is just going to class, studying, and cleaning my room!?!? No! Not at all! Time management is actually a skill that will allow you to take full advantage of all the rewards life has to offer! Sometimes you need motivation to put the pieces together in a puzzle, and time management is no different. Rewards are all the more reason to build a successful schedule that will allow you to dominate college life like you always knew you could!

Have you ever thought about all the money you aren’t by spending by waking up early, exercising, and walking to class all week? What about how much you save by preparing your food throughout the week? Just think… this is all money that can go towards getting those new shoes that came out just in time for the fall. Or it could be money to buy a keg over the weekend and hang out with friends. The choice for a reward is all up to you, and it’s all possible with time management! How can it be so simple… but it really is!

  • Make plans for your rewards. Know that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Save up for trips, concerts, sporting events, or even kegs of beer!
  • Reward yourself with watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix all day or maybe taking a nap instead. Your choice!
  • Make plans on buying a new outfit you have always wanted or go pamper yourself with a full spa treatment!
  • Save up to eat at the restaurant you have always avoided because it was too expensive!
  • As you see, there are many types of rewards. Switch the rewards up, keep your time management first, and soon you will have accomplished and enjoyed more than you thought possible!

Time management this... time management that! The rewards sound good but is that all there is to really look forward to? Well, besides also getting all a’s like you knew you could, you have breaks to look forward to! How many times have you had to run nonstop all day long because you didn’t manage your time effectively that morning, the night before, or even the whole week? I bet it’s more than you care to admit! Breaks are important!

That’s right! Rarely will you ever skip a break again with the immaculate time management skills you are learning now! Look at your day and find important times where you can take a break, meditate, close your eyes, or even do it for the gram! These should be when you’re around locations that are convenient for the purpose of the break, too. Then plan your schedule around these breaks, meaning you make sure all other matters are on track. This way you can hit all the angles and get super famous… right?

  • Schedule breaks that are convenient for your time and location.
  • Build your schedule around your breaks so you never have to miss one again. This includes the week, day, and night before!
  • Plan activities that will help you take full advantage of a break. There’s nothing worse than taking a break without anything to do… or wait… what?
  • During breaks from school, keep a steady routine that will allow you to pick right back up where you left off.
  • Don’t forget, it’s time management that makes it all possible!

The last time that was wasted time may have been last weekend when you were drinking with your friends. Just don’t let the time you are wasted turn into you wasting time and ultimately missing out! Keep your schedule tight during the week and your koozie tighter over the weekend when you avoid wasting time with time management!

One of the easiest ways to avoid wasting time is by planning your day in advance! Prioritize your tasks and do what’s most important first! Keeping a schedule and staying prepared for the unexpected interruptions can make all the difference when it comes to the weekend. Try keeping social media for certain times of the day when you actually have time. Life is so much simpler when you avoid wasting time! Just think of how much time you can waste if you stop wasting time!

  • Plan your days in advance expecting the unexpected!
  • Do your most important things first so you aren’t stressed out later!
  • Keep social media for certain times of the day to allow yourself to complete the important stuff… school… time management... priorities… you know!
  • Catch yourself if you start becoming distracted from the task at hand. Count back from 5 and get back to it at 1.
  • Don’t work on one thing for too long if you start becoming unproductive and ultimately wasting time.

What’s that you say? The only realistic goal you have is a field goal this year?!? Well… even though that may be a spectacular goal for the kicker, you should always keep in mind why you are at college in the first place. If your goal is living your best life over the weekend, you can start taking the steps to get there now all while keeping it together on the way! Let’s be real though. There are bigger goals that should always come first! That’s why time management is really your best friend!

Write your goals down! Always keep your long-term goals in sight! Back these long-term goals up with short-term goals that will lead you on the path towards your dreams! Buy a white board for your room, keep a notebook just for your goals, keep a word document, add a note in your phone…. we think you get the point! Write those goals down, always keep them in front of you , and watch your life start to flourish!

  • Set S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Focused, and Time-Bound).This will not only help you reach your goals but also keep those goals worthwhile!
  • Write down long-term goals with short-term goals that will help get you there.
  • Set goals for each semester that will continuously build your skill base for your future career!
  • Prioritize your goals by what’s most important. This way you can drop some of your small goals if needed. This will help you from becoming overwhelmed during crunch time!
  • Keep your goals visible where you can see them every day and make edits to them as needed because goals are everchanging!
  • Use a white board in your room or on the refrigerator, keep notes in your phone, a notebook specifically for your goals, or any other way you can think of to keep your goals close by!
  • Make goals that you believe in and know that you can achieve. When you first get the thought that you can achieve a goal, keep that thought because you had it for a reason!

A journal?!? That’s so middle school… or is it? Wait! You don’t have to put your inner most thoughts down so your roommate can find it when they’re snooping around your things!

By taking ten minutes every night to reflect on your day and write down what went smoothly and what was a little rough you will start to see how time management can help make a difference in those not so good times! You will also start to notice new ways you can focus on improving your schedule and routine… then you will really be the one in control!

  • Take ten minutes every night to reflect on your day.
  • Your entries should be routine and schedule related.
  • Write what went well and what needs to be worked on.
  • Use your journal to help refine your time management and routine.
  • From time to time, reflect at all the improvements you have made and where you can still get better!

College is supposed to be all football games and late-night Waffle House visits! There isn’t supposed to be any stress… this isn’t what I signed up for!! This may be what you say to yourself every Monday morning when you have two tests to take back to back. Stress isn’t always bad though! The key is how you manage that stress… and that brings us to Stress Management!

Exercise and stress management?! What do you mean? That’s the most stressful part of my day! This seems like more of a chore than something that’s going to be relieving, and the next day I can barely get out of bed!! What do you mean exercise and stress management?

We feel your pain… or misunderstanding! While exercise may seem difficult at first, it really doesn’t have to be! You may be doing it all wrong. Pay attention to your body and its capabilities! You don’t have to get up and go run 3 miles out of nowhere to in the middle of nowhere and get stuck with nowhere to go. No! Sometimes it can be as simple as taking a brisk walk in the breeze to let that stress melt away. Of course, if you are up for the challenge, you can get intense with your exercise regime and forget what stress is completely… what are we talking about again? Oh yea, stress management!

  • Pay close attention to your own capabilities. Don’t overwork yourself and create more stress instead of losing stress!
  • Start small and work your way up!
  • Strive to build a routine focused around exercise.
  • Take a walk after dinner or any other time to enjoy fresh air, nature, and a peace of mind!
  • Aim for 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of intense exercise a week! Even if you can’t meet this goal, any exercise will help relieve and manage your stress!
  • Work out your whole body with weights twice a week. You can do this in two days or break it down into increments... just lift those weights!
  • Don’t forget to reward yourself with a fresh strawberry banana smoothie after exercising!

Rest! You’re finally speaking my language! Now this is something I can’t get enough of! It seems like every time I wake up, I want to go back to sleep… so how exactly is this stress management again?

We have all been there before. It’s 3am a few hours later at 8 in the morning. Of course, we pull it off and make it work because we are in college students on a mission not to go back to our parent’s house! Just think about all of the stress that is created by dealing with these types of situations. Resting throughout the day can help you have the energy when you need it the most. That means knowing your limitations and not overexerting yourself! Resting could even mean getting that massage you have been contemplating about your whole life.

  • Aim for 8 hours of sleep every night. Give your body to recharge at night so you can dominate the day. Sleep is proven to lower stress levels… just not too much!
  • Take time every day to meditate, pray, or just clear your mind of your daily worries.
  • Take a power nap if needed to excel for the rest of the day.
  • Listen to your mind and body. Don’t overexert yourself!
  • Take a day off after a long week to relax and recover.
  • Care for yourself. Take a long bath or hot shower. Go get a massage or whatever else makes you feel completely relaxed and rested.
  • Put your phone down, turn off the TV, turn of the lights, and go to sleep. REST!

Nutrition is my middle name! If eating is the name of the game, then I’m already all the way in! With fast food at every turn, I’m the most nutritious person on campus! A few fries here, a hamburger there, and I’m ready to do ever last bit of homework… but wait! Let me take a nap first! Those French fries, hamburger, and milkshake really wore me out!

While eating hamburgers and fries does sound delicious, there is so much more to nutrition that should be recognized. Nutrition could be the reason you feel wore out halfway through the day. Don’t worry! We got you covered with these quick and easy tips to feast like royalty and be stress free all at the same time! Nutrition fights stress!

  • Eat regular meals! That means breakfast, lunch, and dinner… of course with snacks along the way!
  • Avoid high fat and/or high sugar foods that will decrease your energy and increase your stress.
  • Keep healthy snacks. Granola, peanuts, fruit, vegetables, hummus, or anything else that is high protein and/or high fiber. Give your body the energy it needs.
  • Eat whole grains every day, like oatmeal in the morning.
  • Eat healthy fats, such as mixed nuts, various seeds, and fish. Eating Omega-3 fatty acids is a great way to care for your brain!
  • Don’t drink caffeine late in the day. Remember, rest is essential to stress management.

Meditation and prayer is what I’m really doing when I’m fast asleep in class, right?!? This is defiantly great stress management right here! There is nothing better than going to class, getting a nap, and going home to stay up all night long! Finally, you guys got it right!!! Meditation and prayer for the win!

Or not! While sleeping in class is a good way to create stress, prayer and meditation will actually help put your mind at ease! Taking time out of your busy day to remind yourself of why you are grateful can make things a lot simpler. No longer are you so concerned about what you can’t do, but instead are appreciative of what you are already doing right now. Meditating throughout the day can also give you the peace needed to accomplish the most difficult situation that college throws at you!

  • Meditation and/or prayer is one of the fastest ways to reset and relieve stress.
  • Remind yourself every morning of where you are in life. Be thankful for the all the things that are already happening!
  • Use guided meditations to help find your rhythm. There are a lot of smartphone apps for this!
  • Take some deep breaths if you feel overwhelmed. Remember, this is something small to a giant, and you are quite the giant!
  • Schedule time daily to meditate and/or pray.
  • Explore all the types of meditation you can do to see what works the best! Don’t forget, Yoga is a good way to meditate.

Planning for ‘what ifs’ is my favorite part of the week! What if there is a party tonight, or what if that special someone hits me back on Tinder? What if!! I can do this all day… goodbye stress and hello what if! Now where is the party at!? That’s what we are talking about right?!?

Okay… well… so… what if… yeah? That is quite a what if you may be debating with yourself at right at this moment, but the essential things to plan for are those unexpected setbacks! What if your tire goes flat? What if you lose your parent’s credit card? What if you wake up late and miss a test? Now those are all ways to be for sure stressed… so let’s manage it! Stress management for the win, again!

  • Build a support network of fellow college students that you can count on. Also be the one that they can count on, too!
  • Find out where community resources are in case of an emergency.
  • Become familiar with available resources on campus that could help in a time of need..
  • Keep your vehicle maintained and oil changed every 5,000 miles to avoid those unexpected repairs.
  • Make an emergency plan of who you can call for what and when. This can consist of who, what, when, where, and how.
  • Take advantage of free time and complete all your necessary work to allow yourself the opportunity to handle situations that come out of nowhere.

Money management is great! I manage my parents putting money on my ACT card every week and student loans both at the same time! College may not always be fun but managing my money and buying Starbucks daily is! Isn’t this what everyone goes to college for anyway? At this rate, I will be in professional money management in only 2 more years! Isn’t this what we are talking about?!? Money management!

A checkbook? Is that the thing on the app store that helps you see what books are at the library? Checkbook! What does that have to do with money management? You guys are so confusing! Or is a checkbook the thing that you use when you have finished reading a book? Game Over! Checkbook! Oh wait, that’s checkmate…

While a checkbook may seem like an ancient artifact, there are still enough uses of writing a check to be relevant! Even if you are only writing a check once a month to pay rent or are sliding by those hefty transaction fees when you buy that new Lamborghini SUV in a few years. Okay, let’s be honest. It’s more like groceries and rent, but it’s nice to dream.

  • Always make sure you have money in your bank account before writing a check! There’s nothing worse than going to jail for a bounced check. Trust us, we know!
  • The date should be in month/day/year form. 01/01/2020, Jan 01, 2020, or January 1, 2020 are all acceptable.
  • The payee should be made out to the company or person you are writing a check for.
  • Write the amount in numbers beside the $ sign. For example, 125.00 beside the given $ sign.
  • Write the same amount in words, one hundred twenty five and 0/100.
  • If applicable, write the nature of the payment (e.g., phone bill, rent, etc.)
  • Sign the check the same way you used when opening your bank account.
  • Write the date, check number, payee, and amount in the check register at the front of the checkbook.

Now you guys are speaking my language! The ATM is where I need to be at right now… to make a bank transaction… and spend some money and make a statement. All the above at the same time. This money management stuff is easy! Put the card in and get the money out. One thing, you forgot to include are the transaction and overdraft fees from using the ATM! It’s always a good sign of how active your bank account is!

Okay… hold on a second there, buddy! I don’t know where to start but having transaction and overdraft fees defiantly aren’t a good sign of an active bank account. There is more to it than putting your card in and taking money out, too! It is essential to keep track of how much your spending on what items. This can help you when you decide to be responsible with your spending because, lets face it, student loans and our parents only help for so long. Then it’s our time to master the ATM and the art of money management!

  • Be aware of any protocols for mandatory spending requirements by your bank.
  • Find where the ATMs are located for your bank to avoid feeds
  • Check your balance every time you get the chance!
  • Always think about security when using ATMs. Look out for anything suspicious.
  • Make sure you can log online to your bank account.
  • Always check your balance at the ATM and/or online. Don’t let yourself catch another overdraft fee!
  • Review your bank statement every week, or at least monthly, to see how your spending adds up. This also makes sure nobody else has been using your account!
  • Your bank statements are vital to receiving loans. Stay on top of it!

You guys are starting to sound just like my parents! Do this! Do that! Check-in! Be responsible! What’s next? Of course, I’m being responsible with my spending! I’m only asking for money after I use everything on my meal plan. Sorry if it’s only been two weeks. I blame the school for not giving us student discounts!

Ok, no pressure! Two weeks to go through your meal plan is quite an accomplishment though, or not! Since it’s necessary to spend money to live, what better time to start learning to be responsible with money? This doesn’t mean you can’t eat at the cafeteria every day; it does mean that you need to be aware of what you are spending so you can, in fact, be responsible!

  • Set a budget of what you want to spend every week. Break it up into categories such as food, entertainment, living expenses, and anything else you spend money on!
  • EAT AT HOME! Eating out is always fun, but it’s never fun when your money is low. Take a cooking class and become your own personal chef… or just watch a YouTube video. Either, or, just eat at home!
  • Find cost-free entertainment! Take advantage of what’s going on on-campus that is free. Parties, bars, and restaurants are way more expensive than that!
  • Pay your bills on time! Keep track of all billing statements and use online bill paying options for the convenience. Don’t let your credit score go down that costs you money in the long run!
  • Pay your bills on time! Keep track of all billing statements and use online bill paying options for the convenience. Don’t let your credit score go down that costs you money in the long run!
  • Don’t spend too much on housing! Keep in mind all the other things you need to spend money on when finding somewhere to live.
  • Always plan for long-term expenses! Learning how to save money in a savings account now can help you reap extraordinary benefits later!

Planning budget is great! I love to calculate how much drinks are going to cost every weekend on top of Waffle House at the end of the night! I see where you guys are going with this. Money management really is essential to college life. So, are you saying that now I can get even more drinks and Waffle House on the weekend?

Hold on a minute there, buddy! Waffle house and drinks may sound like the perfect weekend budget, but what about during the week?! In order to reward yourself on the weekend, you really need to budget yourself during the week. As well, in order to budget during the week, you must budget your weekend, too! Don’t forget about your tuition, books, and any student loans that are also now a big part of your budget. So yes, money management is that essential to college life and beyond!

  • Talk to whoever is helping you pay for college or someone close about your expenses, including tuition, food, clothes, housing and utilities, transportation, and of course, entertainment like drinks and Waffle House!
  • Write down all the expenses that you have talked about. There will always be expenses being added and removed from your list, so this is not a final draft!
  • Record all your income along with outcome.
  • Track all your spending! Either write it down, collect receipts, check your bank statements, or just keep your expenses in mind.
  • Decide your needs and wants. What is it that can be cut if necessary?
  • Create an emergency fund! This can be for paying off any student loans or fixing that flat tire that came out of nowhere!
  • Strategize this budget into your long-term goals. We aren’t learning to save money just for school but for life!
  • Get creative and use excel or mobile apps that are made for creating a budget!

College is a time when you are truly having to take care of yourself, sometimes for the first time ever! It’s hard to say, but self-care is more than just taking care of yourself a few days out of the week before going out over the weekend. Self- care is what you do every day that allows you to enjoy yourself. What is it that helps you know that you are always #1 in your book? Self-care!

Who does this guy think he’s talking to? Bedtime… are you kidding me. I don’t get paid enough for that! I seem to be doing fine staying up all night studying, taking a power nap, and them passing the test I worked so hard for. I hope there isn’t another one soon, though! College is really that hard!

We aren’t saying there should be a strict bedtime every night! We are saying that you should go to bed at a certain time based on your physical and mental needs! If you are starting to feel overwhelmed, pay attention! If you’re body is telling you to slow down, pay attention! Nothing is worse than trying to do to much with little to no sleep only to give up altogether. So yes, maybe we are saying there should be a strict bedtime every night, based on your needs.

  • Sleep deprivation can affect your thinking skills, memory, and cause physical problems such as gaining weight and a decreased immune system.
  • Not drinking caffeine and alcohol before bed will lead to a better night of sleep.
  • Try to keep a sleep routine that works for you. Adjust the routine to any unexpected needs and pick back up where you left off at as soon as possible.
  • Build a routine before going to bed, such as washing your face and brushing your teeth.
  • Stop doing homework at least 30 minutes before going to bed.
  • Using earplugs or an eye pillow can make a big difference if sleeping with roommates or in a dorm room.
  • Listen to your body. Don’t push yourself if you are exhausted. Instead, focus on completing your routine before bed and being able to dominate the day tomorrow!
  • Aim for 7 – 8 hours of sleep a night. Some people may get 6 – 10 hours of sleep so find what works for you can keep the routine!

I tried a diet one time… Diet Coke, and it’s not for me! From that day on, I haven’t had any so called ‘diet’ food again! Who eats something so bland? Self-care seems more about treating myself right. Buffalo wings, hamburgers, loaded fries, and milkshakes is how I treat myself. Doesn’t that count? Now I’m hungry. Time to take care of myself once again!

A buffalo wing keto diet isn’t exactly what we are talking about here! We are talking about just eating a generally healthy, balanced diet. A healthy diet has many benefits and can help prevent common chronic diseases! With the American diet being heaving in saturated fat and processed foods, paying attention to your diet is one of the greatest things you can do to care for yourself. We are talking about self-care from the inside out!

  • Follow a healthy eating pattern across your lifespan!
  • Focus on a variety of nutrient dense food across all food groups in the recommended servings.
  • Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats while also reducing sodium intake.
  • Start shifting towards healthier foods and beverages.
  • Focus on eating a variety of fruits vegetables of all colors.
  • Always eat grains, half at least whole grains
  • Drink fat-free or low-fat dairy (e.g., milk, yogurt, cheese) and/or fortified plant milk (e.g., soy, hemp, almond, coconut, oat, rice)
  • Eat a variety of protein (e.g., seafood, lean meat, eggs, beans and peas, nuts, seeds)
  • Use healthy oils, such as olive oil
  • When fixing a plate, aim for ¼ starch or grains, ¼ protein, and ½ fruits & vegetables

I’ll tell you what… you guys are really exercising my mind right now. As if getting sleep and eating right isn’t enough? Now I must exercise too!?! Wow! Matter of fact, I do exercise every single day. I walk to class, walk home, and go to sleep all in the matter of a few hours. That right there is efficient self-care!

Exercise is one of the best ways to take care of yourself. Not only will exercising keep you active and in shape but also supply your brain with more oxygen supporting your cognitive health. Exercise will also help regulate stress hormones and endorphins which allow for a greater peace of mind during finals week. Let’s face it, exercise really helps everything!

  • Always keep safety in mind. It’s not self-care if you’re constantly having injuries.
  • Aim to move more and sit less throughout the day. Any physical activity is better than none!
  • Try to get in 150 – 300 minutes of moderate-intensity, or 75 – 150 minutes of vigorous intensity, aerobic exercise throughout the week.
  • Get in your muscle strengthening routine as well! Aim to work all major muscles groups at least twice a week.
  • Exercise helps improve mood and decrease depression, anxiety, and stres
  • Exercise will increase your energy levels so you don’t burn out in the middle of the day.
  • Exercise reduces your risk of many chronic diseases.
  • Exercise can help your skin health through increased blood flow.
  • Your memory and thinking skills can be improved and protected through exercise.
  • Getting quality sleep is no problem when exercise is involved!
  • Pain can actually be lowered with exercise!

I’m so fresh and so clean… every weekend and a few weeknights too! Whenever something important comes up, I immediately put that self-care into work! I’m really not too concerned about any other time because, well, that stuff doesn’t matter anyways. Who cares as if nobody else is there to see it, right? That’s not why I do it anyways!

Well, self-care is about putting in work… but that work isn’t only on the weekends. Hygiene is an everyday essential that can sometime be overlooked when you have 20 tests coming up and you woke up late on top of it. Getting in the routine of practicing hygiene will not only make you more confident but also allow you to be more productive every day! Now that’s why you do it!

  • Help that dead skin shed by bathing regularly. Try to keep regular intervals that work for you and bathe as needed any time in-between.
  • Trim your finger and toenails as needed. Get rid of those germs that are hiding under those nails!
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily! Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal. Keep those teeth healthy today and prevent those dreadful dentist office visits in the future!
  • WASH your hands before, after, and anytime you do anything! Before preparing or eating food, wash your hands. After taking out the garbage, wash your hands. After coughing or sneezing, wash your hands. Keep hand sanitizer for whenever soap and water aren’t available.
  • Wash your face and brush your teeth before going to sleep every night.
  • Use any form of deodorant before physical activity.
  • Use lotion as needed, whether that’s every day or only when you skin starts peeling. It’s on you!
  • Build a routine based on your daily hygiene needs.

If planning for what if is self-care, then I’m a guru! This stuff is super easy. What if my parents call me while I’m at a party? What if I run out of my allowance before the weekend is over? What if I stay up for two days straight studying? This sounds like an A+ to me!

Planning for what ifs is a little deeper than that. What if you get sick? How will you then take care of yourself? What if your parents get sick? How will you handle getting a last-minute project that’s huge all while maintaining your grades in all your other classes? Life has a way of throwing curve balls so planning for what if is a great way to take care of yourself!

  • Make an emergency plan. Figure out who you can count on locally to help you when in need!
  • Always leave room for more activities. It’s even harder when something happens when you are already taking everything you can possibly do.
  • Find out where all the resources are in the community. You never know when you may need to go to the hospital or get your car fixed.
  • Figure out what tutoring labs are available to assist you on campus!
  • Build a support network that you can rely on when things take a turn.

I remember when I first learned how to drift… old news! Car skills are for high school kids who just did a donut for the first time. By college, I’ve been stop and go and even hit 2 wheels going around a corner once… and I didn’t even hit anyone in the process! Car skills!

While those are some exceptional car skills, there is more to taking care of your car and yourself in the process! Simple things like changing a flat tire, getting your oil changed, and knowing how to read the warning lights in your vehicle can make a world of a difference. Knowing the basics of car care also makes it much easier to speak with mechanics and not get unnecessary work done. Don’t mechanics know that us college students need every possible dollar for drinks on the weekend?

  • Check this website out to find out what vehicle warning indicators on your dashboard mean.
    AutoZone: Vehicle Warning Indicators
  • As soon as you can, ask around and research online for good and honest mechanics in the area. Read reviews from previous customers and pay attention to the overall feel of the mechanic.
  • Get your oil changed every 5,000 miles! If you have a hard time keeping track of miles, get your oil changed every 3-4 months!
  • Change the air filter in your car once a year to help the engine function properly.
  • Get your tired rotated every 5,000 – 10,000 dollars so they wear down evenly. This will save the life of the tire.
  • Keep your tires aligned by getting a tire alignment once a year or as needed. You need an alignment if your car is pulling to a side or steering wheel is shaking and off center.
  • Inspect your car anytime you pump gas, wash your car, or any other time you are close enough to see something wrong. Seeing something at the first sign is key.
  • Pay attention to any unusual signs the car is giving. Take your car to a mechanic if anything doesn’t feel right.
  • Keeping your car clean inside and out is a great way to practice self-care. Who doesn’t feel great in a nice, shiny car?
  • Change your windshield wipers every 6 months to a year or as needed (squeak, chatter, skip, smear, or streak reducing driving visibility).

Now this is what self-care if all about. Treating yourself is my favorite thing about college! Sometimes I even treat myself all weeklong just to show myself that I care! This is no easy task. Talk about hard work! One day I will have it down. Treating myself every day! Self-care to the max!

We are working towards self-care to the max, and it is hard work to treat yourself every day! Treating yourself should be the easy part though! Everything needs to be kept in balance! Going to class every day and doing your homework is the hard work! Treating yourself can be little things during the week like getting a Tiramisu Frappuccino off the secret menu at Starbucks (search online for ordering instructions), or something big like going to the Caribbean Islands for Spring Break!

  • Keep a healthy balance of work and pleasure. Treats are great but work it important. It’s even better when working is a treat!
  • Always focus on getting your work done first! Don’t treat yourself if you haven’t finished what you set out to do!
  • Treat yourself periodically for small accomplishments if you’re working on a long project with a big getaway at the end.
  • No accomplishment is too small to reward yourself. Let your rewards match the size of the accomplishment. This will keep you pushing towards bigger and better things while appreciating the small steps to get there.
  • Get a massage or spend a day at the spa on your breaks! School breaks are the perfect time to relax, reset, and get ready for kill it in class.
  • Whether going to a fancy restaurant, seeing a movie, or hitting that big party up this weekend, you are treating yourself! So, work hard to make that treat that much more worth it.

Easy Peasy! This balance comes natural for me! I already go to a few classes a week… so I go to a few parties a week as well! Maybe this self-care stuff really is beneficial. I know! I’ll take 7 classes a day so I can goto 7 Parties a week. Balancing life at its finest!

You defiantly have things a little off balanced! That’s okay though! College is the time to figure out what balance works best for you. Always keep in mind why you are in college in the first place when forming your balance. Prioritize what’s really important and then add in social treats along the way. Taking care of yourself and staying focused at the same time is what it’s all about!

  • Use short gaps of free time wisely! Resist the temptation of searching for the latest snaps! Start your homework and use larger portions of free time for your social events!
  • Find somewhere you can work and be productive, such as a library! It makes a huge different when you can be efficient!
  • Set your priorities and schedule around those priorities!
  • Choose the right place to live. It may not be best to live at a fraternity or sorority if you are easily distracted. You can always drop in and say hey every day!
  • Join clubs! Find friends that can help academically. Find friends that are social! Find friends who can do both!
  • Schedule your free time to match with your friends.
  • Pay attention to your schoolwork every day! Don’t get behind!

How in the world can you be prepared for being overwhelmed! Every time I get overwhelmed it comes out of nowhere! Are you sure you guys know what you’re talking about? Now I’m overwhelmed! Thanks!

College is overwhelming at times. That’s why you should always be prepared. Be honest with yourself if you aren’t ready for a test and take time to study. Don’t get too consumed with all the exciting activities on campus either! Find your niche and run with it! Keep track of all assignments and obligations then break them down into smaller tasks that can be done over a week. Writing a 10-page paper in a night is surely overwhelming. So, take a break and get prepared for being overwhelmed!

  • Keep track of all assignments and obligations!
  • Break your assignments and obligations down into manageable tasks, such as writing a page a day for a week.
  • Reconsider your schedule if things feel like they’re too much! It’s better to do something really well than do more things mediocre.
  • Take a break! Don’t get stuck on work, work, work! That is what we call overwhelmed!
  • Don’t entertain any social drama! Focus on you and your school. The rest will always be there as long as your grades are taken care of!
  • Learn to say no! It’s so easy to bite off more than you can chew while in college. Don’t gas yourself up!
  • If something doesn’t work, drop it! Don’t waste your energy on things that aren’t going to give you the return you expected!
  • o Do some work with friends! You are not alone and sometimes that’s all you need to feel normal again!

One of the greatest things about college is that you are not alone! There is literally almost every kind of resource you could imagine… because of course college students will face every kind of problem imaginable while on campus! This is why a toolkit is so important… almost as important as seeking assistance when needed!

This is a good one right here! I initiate every night to wake up in the morning… and I do! Then I initiate to go to class! This is awesome! I love the benefits of initiation too! So many cool parties and then sleep… and of course classes… I guess. Straight initiative!

Sorry! Initiative is so much more than going to sleep and waking up… unless you are getting tucked in again! OK, we are only joking! Taking initiative is doing what you need to do without being told! If you know you need help, take initiative! If you have a great idea, take initiative. When that thought comes into your head of something important, take initiative. This is an invaluable skill that will help open doors for you throughout life!

  • Do something positive if you have the urge! Don’t wait for others to tell you it’s a good idea!
  • Get involved in different areas. Find what your good at and enjoy at the same time!
  • Take advantage of any passions you have by taking initiative to get involved and explore the field.
  • Ask your professors if you don’t understand something, even if it’s after class!
  • Offer to volunteer for a community organization or school club!
  • Mainly, don’t wait to be asked! Put yourself out there and show that initiative!
  • Taking initiative will help you stand out and get those opportunities you have been dreaming of!

I love resources, especially the ones that will do your work for you! What’s that called again?? Oh yea… Quizlet!! Now that is defiantly the most important part of school. A resource for every course! That’s about it for resources though… the rest can’t stand with the best!

Woah, Woah, Woah! You are missing one of the greatest things about college! The abundance of resources is amazing on campus! You should strive be to be aware of what is out there, what they offer to students, and where they’re located! From sports to counseling to tutoring for that difficult math test coming up, your campus has you covered! You will be a resourceful student before you know it!

  • Be aware of all the resources offered in the community and on campus!
  • Come up with the most important resources related to your personal college experience!
  • Find all tutoring centers on campus!
  • Research student organizations that may be interesting!
  • Look for any Greek organizations that fit your interests!
  • Join a sports team on campus!
  • Use the counseling center at the first sign of a problem!
  • College is all about resources! Use them!!

This… is… the… one… I’ve been waiting for!!! I keep telling my parents to assist me with my finances, but they won’t listen! How am I supposed to keep up with Monday night margaritas, Tuesday Tacos, Wednesday Wings, Thursday night tacos again (I love tacos!), Friday fried chicken, and weekend long alcohol on my own? Parents just don’t understand so financial aid here I come!

Financial aid is about much more than having a night out every day of the week. There are so many sources of free money that can go towards your tuition, books, and even living expenses! Apply for scholarships with Scholly, meet with financial aid advisors, find out about work studies, and take out loans as a last resort! A little initiative can save you big time when talking about financial assistance in college!

  • Apply for FASFA (free application for student aid)!
  • Speak with an advisor at the financial aid office about options for funding.
  • Look for any any federal or state grants that you are eligible for!
  • Join Scholly or another scholarship search engine to take advantage of all the free scholarship money available!
  • Look into work studies or any outside work that can help give you experience and money!
  • Research online for common funding options and opportunities.
  • Only take student loans out as a last resort! This will have to be paid back. There is a lot free money floating around! Go get it!

Network… homework… this sounds all too familiar with me, and I don’t like it one bit! My roommate is never home, and my classmates seem more interested in the professor than me! I do have my gang on the weekend to hit the strip though! That’s that network in action right there!

So, networking with others is one of the most valuable things you can do in college and in life in general as well! You can’t do everything by yourself, except your homework of course, but you can do a lot with the help of others. Take advantage of your time on campus by networking with fellow classmates, student organizations, and even staff members. If you are feeling brave, we recommend venturing into the community too!

  • Build networking into your everyday life. There is no better connection than one that you see every day! Ask my ex!
  • Get involved with activities on campus in Greek organizations, student clubs, sports, and more to connect with other students, advisors, and even speakers!
  • Go to the career center to learn about available resources, networking skills, and way to get connected!
  • Create a LinkedIn profile with a professional photo! Keep this updated with all your current projects and achievements!
  • Keep yourself open to new connections! Sometimes the best things in life happen unexpectedly. Again, ask my ex!
  • Don’t hold yourself back from making the first move! Ask that question. Say something to that person you’re intrigued by! Do it!
  • Maintain your connections by sending them appreciation. Let them know what you learned by meeting them. Continue to send updates periodically!

I question myself daily! Preparing and performing kind of just happens though! I do eat food every day! Preparation. I show up to class sometimes on time! Performance! And everyday I question whether I really need to do my homework or not! Asking Questions!

Preparing, performing, and asking questions is one way to kick start your network! Doing these 3 little things will make a huge difference when you meet someone valuable in life. Think of networking like an interview, and you wouldn’t go into an interview without doing your research, right?

  • Prepare for every week ahead of time! Think about everything important that will be happening!
  • Prepare for every day ahead of time! Things come up during the week that always must be accounted for.
  • Prepare for any special events or when you are meeting with someone.
  • Preparing will make a huge difference when it comes to performing.
  • Focus on the task at hand when it’s happening. Remember all the preparation you have taken and tell yourself that you got this.
  • Give it everything you got when performing. You didn’t prepare for nothing!
  • Ask questions about anything you don’t know! If you ever think about a question in your head, ask it!
  • Taking the initiative to prepare, perform, and ask questions will let those you network know that you are serious, and you will be treated accordingly.

As easy as it can be, safety should never be overlooked while in college. Moving to a new town and living on your own cam leave you vulnerable. Going to parties and experimenting with alcohol can lead to severe consequences if you’re not careful! Take the time to read each of these safety guidelines so you can party like a Rockstar without putting yourself or others at risk.

Social media settings are serious! I’ve had to block my parents so they can’t find out about my college lifestyle. The best thing to do is to have multiple accounts. That way I can show everyone where the parties are at all while showing my parents where I’m studying on my other account. Social media settings!

Social media is one of the easiest ways to leave yourself vulnerable while in college. It’s always exciting to show your friends what you’re up to during the night, but it can lead to someone breaking into your house while you are gone. Let’s not get started on the stalking either!

  • Make sure your passwords on social media are strong. Don’t use the same one for multiple accounts!
  • Be selective with who you add as friends.
  • Be careful on the links you click. They can be used to hack accounts.
  • Don’t share any personal or sensitive information on social media. Never tell people your exact location!
  • Don’t let you friends or followers know that you are out of town. This leaves you vulnerable for burglaries.
  • Customize your privacy settings so you only share specific posts publicly. Some things are better left for your friends only!
  • Don’t post negative or derogatory messages that can come back to harm you later!
  • Sit your phone down sometimes and focus on the world around you!

Dating is the whole reason I came to college! I have all the premium memberships on the dating apps and an outstanding profile! It doesn’t get much safer than this! Now only if they would message me back!

Dating is the whole reason I came to college! I have all the premium memberships on the dating apps and an outstanding profile! It doesn’t get much safer than this! Now only if they would message me back!

  • Always let friends or family know exactly where you are during a date. Tell them who you will be with and the time you expect to be home.
  • Keep self-defense in mind and have a plan in case things go bad.
  • Always keep emergency numbers close by and know where the nearest police station is!
  • Keep your phone fully charged when going on a date! This is your lifeline!
  • Don’t share personal information with strangers or those you don’t trust.
  • Go on group dates for the first date. Make sure you are safe and comfortable!
  • Always meet in a public place that is safe!
  • Watch your drinks and food! Never leave anything unattended!
  • Don’t drink too much! Stay in control of yourself!
  • Don’t invite anyone into your home if you don’t fully trust them!
  • Look up their criminal record for any previous problems.
  • Find out about previous relationships for any warning signs if possible!

This is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3! 9 – 1 – 1 is who you call when things go bad. Why does this need its own section? Everyone learned this is Elementary school!

There is a little more to emergency contacts than 9 – 1 – 1. You should always write down or keep a document with ALL emergency contacts in the area. This includes firefighters, paramedics, hospitals, police, and 9 – 1 – 1. Don’t forget about your friends and family who serve as emergency contacts, too!

  • Research local emergency resources in your area and write them down in a document!
  • Keep your university emergency services in mind. These are here just for you! Take advantage of them!
  • Look for organizations that you would use in case of an emergency and write them down as well.
  • Keep your doctor’s phone number saved in case of any severe illnesses.
  • Always specify the type of emergency the person or organization is for when writing them down.
  • Keep in mind auto troubles when forming emergency contacts.
  • Make sure all emergency contacts are always accessible! Put a document on your phone, computer, office, apartment, or anywhere else you frequent often!

The campus police wear the badge of honor and safety! They even let me know when I was going 5 over with a friendly warning and wave goodbye! I see them helping the community all the time, but how exactly are they supposed to help me? What exactly is safety when it comes to the police force?

You see them driving up the road every day, but how can you really take advantage of their presence? The university and community police force offer many different programs for the public and hold events to meet those they proudly serve. Keeps these tips in mind to help you use the police force to your advantage!

  • Look at your campus police department’s website to view all their special programs offered.
  • Use their website to stay aware on campus policies (e.g., alcohol consumption at events) that you should follow to prevent problems in the future.
  • Look at what crimes are reportable to police to be assured that it’s okay calling the police.
  • Find the centralized reporting locations on campus that report to the university police department.
  • Learn about all fire and emergency procedures on campus. Know what to do in case something happens!
  • Search for any training certification or programs offered on campus or in the community. Take advantage of these opportunities!
  • Look for events in the community held by the police department. This is a great place to get all the local information needed for safety!
  • Always remember, it’s okay to call the police, and you are not wrong for taking care of your safety!

What could be possibly unsafe about going out with friends? This must be the safest part of my day! I’m not alone so there’s no way anything bad can happen to me… right?!?

Going out with your friends should always one of the safest parts of your day. There are several important factors to keep in mind though! Overlooking some of these tips could lead towards reckless behavior and unsafe situations. So, let’s give the buddy system a go to go out like a pro!

  • When going out, always arrive and leave with your friends!
  • Check in with your friends throughout the evening.
  • Always know where each other are if you get separated and have a backup meeting place just in case! Keep a group message going!
  • Stop partying if you get separated from your friends! Focus on figuring out where your friends are instead!
  • Intervene if your friend needs help! Don’t sit around and wait!
  • Be prepared! Charge your phone and know where to find your emergency contacts and ID!
  • Never walk home alone at night!
  • Drink responsibly. Take your time and don’t push your limits! You have all night to have fun! Don’t miss out by drinking irresponsibly!
  • Don’t accept drinks from strangers! Never leave your drink unattended!

Home safety is awesome! I saw this movie one time where a kid was left home alone with him parents went on vacation. This guy set traps up all over the place in order to keep his home safe! Is this what we get to do in college, too!!

Home Alone may be a classic but living on your own in college is a much different story! Having your own place can leave you vulnerable if you don’t take the necessary precautions. Forgetting to lock your doors and windows or allowing random people inside your home are only a few ways you can be taken advantage of!

  • Check your windows and doors to make sure they are secure!
  • Keep your blinds closed if you aren’t using them!
  • Don’t leave spare keys laying in obvious locations outside your home!
  • Make sure to not leave valuable items sitting in plain sight, such as a vehicle or in plain view by a window!
  • Use any security systems if possible! Stay up to date with any current smart phone apps for home security!
  • Always check who is outside your door before opening it for strangers.
  • Try not to have random people at your house unless you want your favorite t-shirt to get stolen!
  • Keep your valuables like jewelry hidden. A safe is always preferable!
  • Have a fire extinguisher on hand in case that pizza your cooking catches the kitchen on fire! Stop cooking and leaving food unattended!
  • Make an emergency plan in case something bad happens.
  • Know where all storm shelters are in the area and be prepared for the unexpected!
  • Keep your grass cut and any dry vegetation cleaned up. This will prevent your house from being infested with your favorite critters!
  • Test fire alarms monthly. These will save your life as long as they work!
  • Make sure your address is clearly visible from the street. Make it easy for emergency personnel to provide help… or the pizza driver to get to you on time!

There’s nothing like waking up at 3am and going for a stroll on campus! It’s so nice!! There is nobody around and I can hear myself think for once! Sometimes you even run into others doing the same thing!

It may sound like a good idea to get some fresh air when you’re feeling crammed in the middle of the night. Let us assure you that this is not recommended in the slightest! Walking alone at night is one of the easiest ways to make yourself vulnerable to crime. You work so hard to keep yourself safe in other aspects of life, so don’t stop there!

  • Don’t walk alone at night in unpopulated areas or anywhere that makes you wonder!
  • If you do walk alone, walk with a purpose and don’t stop!
  • Always make sure you have your cell phone ready to call for help if needed!
  • Get a GPS safety device for one touch emergency services!
  • Carry something with you that can be used for self-defense!
  • Trust your intuition. If you gut is telling you no then don’t do it!
  • Try to always walk with a large group of friends if possible. Look for other ways to get around as well, such as getting a ride from a friend.
  • Stay off the roads at night. Drivers will not see you as clearly.
  • Wear bright and reflective clothing for your safety.

Of course, I have a car! Why would I ever need transportation? I can just take the bus if I need to, right?! What about Uber and Lyft? This must be unnecessary advice that doesn’t apply to me or any of my friends!

This is the first thing that some college students think when you tell them to be aware of their transportation. Things can seem so simple and laid out that you miss the bigger picture. There have been repeated stories of college students getting into fake Ubers or getting a DUI. This doesn’t have to be you though!

  • Learn all the bus routes and hours of operation. Keep a card in your wallet with this information. Download any apps that keep track of busses in “real time”.
  • Find out about any after-hours transportation services offered by the university, such as 348-RIDE!
  • Living close to campus is a good way to avoid transportation troubles.
  • When using ridesharing companies (e.g., Uber and Lyft), be aware of who your driver is. Always look at their reviews and confirm they’re the person picking you up. Try to have someone accompany you on your ride.
  • Get rides from your friends whenever possible!
  • Carpool with other students living close by! Save that money for the weekend!
  • Riding a bike is a sure way to make it to class in time!
  • Always have a designated driver or any other plan on getting home safely when going out to drink!

Awareness is key! I always have Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram open to stay up on what’s happening on campus… got to stay up on my surroundings! This is what safety is all about, right?!?

While technology can help you know what’s around, it can also prevent you from being aware of what’s right in front of you. Missing something close by can result in an accident or leave you vulnerable to others. Also, posting your every move on social media can put you at risk as well. Follow these few simple tips to practice safety first!

  • Stop walking and using your cell phone! It’s no fun getting hit by a car on the way to class! Trust us… we know!
  • Use a security system where you live if possible!
  • Don’t post your every move on social media. It may be better to wait until the next day to let the world know about your epic night!
  • Always keep in mind where emergency exits are located!
  • V. Use safety apps to keep your connected to your friends and those around that can help if needed. Here’s a few apps to look into:
    Protection1 Campus Safety Apps
  • Don’t use the same password for all your accounts and never share information on a public server!

HiYa! I remember when I broke my first board with my bare hands! Self-Defense is old news to me buddy! Let someone find out the hard way. Safety is my middle name!

While that confidence is great, self-defense is about so much more than breaking a piece of wood with your hands when you were 10 years old! Always be aware of your surroundings and prepared for the worst-case scenario. Doing these things could potentially save you from an unfortunate situation!

  • Keep pepper spray, a whistle, or any other protection devices with you! It’s important to let others know you are in danger!
  • A book bag, book, umbrella, or anything can be used for defense in dire situations.
  • Know how to contact emergency numbers, use emergency phones on campus, and never walk alone!
  • Be aware of dangerous situations. Get out of there if you feel uncomfortable.
  • If you see someone following you, crossing the street like you, and acting suspicious, find a group of people to stop at and see if the follower passes. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others!
  • Take self-defense classes! Many universities off these classes free of charge!
  • Be aware of any campus apps or SOS apps that alerts authorities at the touch of a button. You never know how useful these can be until it’s too late.
  • Don’t be too nice to strangers. Keep your boundaries up and don’t let anyone cross them! You never know someone’s motive!
  • Stop sharing your everyday routine to the world! People can follow you all day and find out everything about you if they want to!

College is limitless! Those 3am Waffle House visits on a weeknight are no problem! You can sleep for however long you want! The best thing is most classes don’t even take attendance! Limitless!

Staying in control while in college is one of the biggest issues for most students. How can you know your limits when these are all new experiences for you? Keep these following suggestions in mind when going out over the weekend with friends!

  • Set the stage right when going out. Don’t start off drinking shot after shot. Take it easy, eat some food, and enjoy the time with friends.
  • Always be assertive and don’t give into peer pressure. Trust you own body before someone else’s opinion! Drink at your own pace!
  • Alcohol can take awhile to take effect. There is no rush! Enjoy the night and stop drinking when you start feeling a buzz!
  • Always remind yourself of what will happen if you continue drinking after your already drunk!
  • Make plans for the next morning. Meet your friends for brunch. Anything that give you incentive to be responsible is a win!
  • Drink a non-alcoholic drink in-between your alcoholic drinks. This can help with your hangover the next day!
  • Stay busy! Your night shouldn’t only be focused on drinking! Focus on the real fun of being around friends!

Moving away from your hometown is a big deal! While there still may be some people you know from high school around, you now must face many problems without the social support you had at home. Keeping the changes to your social support in perspective will help you adjust to college and become the boss you always knew you were!

I moved to this big university from all the way across the country and now I’m lost! What in the hay bale is this place? There are a few bright lights around campus… but still! This is a lot different than I’m used to!

College can be a big culture shock! You may be from across the country or across the world! How to you find your way being so far away from home? What about the language barriers or religious differences? If you feel this way, then college is the place for you! There are so many possibilities that will make you feel like you’re at home away from home!

  • Find organizations on campus (university or student) that focus on your specific interests/culture/religion/language.
  • Connect with churches in your area! Build your new fellowship of support!
  • Connect with sports teams if you enjoy playing sports. There are many activities that are universal across all cultures!
  • Don’t isolate yourself from others. Stop worrying or feeling different. There are others just like you out there! Find them!
  • Keep an open mind to other cultures. You will learn so much by doing this while in college that will help you in the future!
  • Take part in multicultural activities on campus! Get out of your comfort zone! You will be glad you did!
  • Share your experience with others! You will be surprised how many can relate!
  • Find someone associated with the university (a department for community and culture) that you can talk to about your adjustment.

I’ve been waiting on this separation for years! I remember being in middle school dreaming of when I could move away from home! Now only if I can get my parents to cook me food and send it in the mail… and come clean my room once a week! They just won’t listen!

It can be difficult leaving the main support that you have had since you can remember. Don’t worry! You still have that same support! It has only evolved into another way. While your parents can’t physically support you anymore, they are still a phone call away! This is your time to be on your own!

  • Work hard to solve your own problems! Ask for support as needed.
  • Tell you parents big issues you are dealing with. The still give good advice!
  • Have a set time that works with your routine where you can call your family and talk to them.
  • Allow yourself to have your own space. This is what you always wanted, right?
  • Start taking over roles your parents had while you were living at home.
  • Make time to visit home on holidays, weekends, or whenever you need some of your mom’s famous chicken dumplings!
  • Let your parents come down and visit you a few times a semester. You may just get all your dirty clothes washed!

I don’t understand! I told my BFF that we would be together forever in life and death! Now I am halfway across the state and can’t see their face every day! This is too much! I’m going home… right… now!

Don’t get ahead of yourself! Just because you moved away from home doesn’t mean that your life is over as you know it! While you still follow your best friends every snap, you can venture out in new territory and find new friends that will be there for everything in-between those beautiful snaps!

  • Stay close with your high school friends without having to spend every minute together!
  • Update your friends outside of social media on what’s new in your life.
  • It’s okay to talk less often! Don’t try to force conversations!
  • Introduce your college friends to your high school friends! Have a weekend together on campus!
  • Use your common interests, like ‘The Bachelor’, to stay connected to your BFF from high school.
  • Visit your friends when you are in town! See what is new in the neighborhood!
  • Make summer plans to go on that awesome road trip you have all been dreaming about since Kindergarten!